For any inquiries regarding the works listed in the shop please use the contact form on our website.
Gabriel Stoian, Sea, oil on canvas, 30x40cm, 2020. 2500€ / SoldMaxim Liulca, Untitled, lino-cut on paper, single edition, 40x50cm, 2018. 1000€Christian Baer, Schneelandschaft, oil on canvas, 140x100cm, 2017. 4300€ Anca Branzas, Odihna la umbra unui pepene, oil on canvas, 20x30cm, 2021. 1000€ Julian Riedel, Side Mirror X, watercolor and oil on plywood, 20x17cm, 2021. 700€Goekhan Erdogan, Untitled, prints, glue, wax ,’L 25 x W 13 x H 11 cm, 2021. Enquire for price.